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The Bluegrass Challenge Academy is the premiere residential alternative education provider; developing and producing academically and socially competitive young adults who believe they can achieve their dreams. 



Two-week acclimation period



Five months focusing on basic lifestyle changes, approached through a rigorous program of education, training, and self-discipline.



Successful completion of the 22-week residential program



24-month mentorship period working towards sustained lifestyle changes, including education, employment, or military service.





During the acclimation phase (the first two weeks), candidates will learn the military model, customs & courtesies, the cadet handbook, the rules and policies, and how to properly interact within the program. All tasks will be performed “by the numbers” through a high volume of drill instruction led by the cadre. It is highly structured, very intense, and physically demanding. We have a short period of time to teach the cadets everything they need to know to be successful.

This is when school begins. Cadets will spend each week in the classroom with daily study hall periods. We use a holistic approach to ensure that every cadet is given the chance to be academically successful. Cadets that fall behind are quickly identified and resources are made available to help them be successful. Service to Community (S2C) starts during white stage.  Cadets will conduct 40 hours of service with our community partners.

By the end of Week 3 of the Residential Phase, cadets begin the development of their Post-Residential Action Plan, or PRAP. This document will serve as the foundation of their goals – short, intermediate, and long-term – that will be supported by Academy staff during the Residential Phase, and further supported by the mentor during the Post-Residential phase.  The post-residential phase is dependent upon a strong mentoring relationship that provides consistent contact, encouragement, and support. The mentor serves as a listener, a guiding coach, a friendly reinforcement, and an ally through life’s experiences. 

The Eight Core Components

Academic Excellence

Cadets attend academic classes that will prepare them for General Education Development (GED) credential testing, credit recovery, or high school diploma.

Life Coping Skills

Increased self-esteem and self-discipline are gained through a combination of classroom activities, group discussions, and a structured living environment.

Job Skills

Cadets prepare for long-term, gainful employment through the development of individual resumes, completing job applications, and preparation for and conduct of job interviews.

Health & Hygiene

Cadets learn the physical emotional benefits of proper nutrition through participation in classes and structures group participation.

Responsible Citizenship

Cadets learn their role in the democratic process, their rights, privileges, and obligations as United States citizens. Those who are eligible to register for selective service and to vote.

Service to Community

Cadets realize the importance of giving back to the community while performing a minimum of 40 hours of service to the community and/or conservation project activities. 


Cadets develop strong character while identifying and applying individual moral and ethical standards to perform various roles and responsibilities in a structured group environment. 

Physical Fitness

Physical fitness becomes an integral part of cadet life through daily exercise and physical activities.

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